February 3, Sunday evening

This is what a surprise looks like for Liz and Amy, two teachers at the private Rain Forest International School (RFIS) here for missionary and ambassadors' kids, mostly. We brought tons of gifts for people here. OK--not exactly tons--but our church family donated 10 boxes, stuffed with 100# of goodies!
We packed and hauled it all half-way around the world. Now we get to enjoy playing Santa Claus! People are particularly enjoying dried fruits, seasoning mixes, Tylenol and CHOCOLATE CHIPS! But they are certainly HEAVY. We're glad to be gifting them out.

We had a nice visit from the local wild-life when this big croaker swam through bathroom pipes, as one commode was being repaired for a couple of days. Our Wycliffe Assoc. host Mickey White called him our resident "Toad Stool." Keep sending those comments and questions to: gplent@gmail.com.